Foot bath detoxification


Health and nutrition pioneer Adelle Davis once said, “As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.” At the ionSpa, building and improving your health is our foremost concern. One of the primary methods of improving your health is through detoxification.
The ionSpa detox foot bath is a device that can greatly enhance your body detox program. The organs responsible for ridding your body of wastes are over-stressed with environmental toxins. When these organs are stressed, processing other toxins may be delayed.
Wellness relaxing
By supplementing the high concentration of negative hydrogen ions produced by the ionSpa detox foot bath, you can assist your body’s organs by neutralizing stored toxins, acids and metals and cleansing them from your body. The organs are then free to function as they were intended.

Detoxification can be accomplished with the proper diet, exercise and utilizing the ionSpa detox foot bath. The combination of nature and technology has afforded us the chance to live in a toxic environment and not be affected by it. 

The ionSpa detox foot bath offers you that chance of living a healthier, happier lifestyle.

So how does the ionSpa foot bath directly assist the body in detoxification by removing these stored toxins?
Most detox programs work only with one area of the body such as the bowels, others may cleanse the liver or blood, and others may assist the kidneys or the skin. However, there are few programs that can effectively work to detoxify your entire body. The ionSpa detox foot bath is one of those few.
First, let’s discuss the chemistry of the toxins that are being stored. Fundamentally, the toxins stored in your body are all free radicals. A free radical, from a molecular standpoint, is a molecule that has an odd, unpaired electron. They are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Free radicals typically attack the nearest stable molecule and steal its electron! When the attacked molecule loses its electron, it transforms into a free radical itself. This is the beginning of a disastrous chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can burgeon, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Normally, the body can handle free radicals. But if the free radical production becomes excessive, such as an overload of toxins, damage can occur.
During an ionSpa detox foot bath session, large concentrations of negative hydrogen ions are released during the process of electrolysis. These ions are absorbed into the body by osmosis through the epidermis of the foot. Once entered into the system, these negatively charged ions act as an ultra high-powered antioxidant. Who hasn’t heard about the benefits of antioxidants today? To refresh your memory, an antioxidant is a compound which has a weak attraction to one of its electrons. It readily surrenders an electron to a free radical which neutralizes it and ends the electron “stealing” reaction. The ion does not become a free radical by donating an electron because it is stable in either form. Once the free radical is neutralized, it can be removed from the body. Negative hydrogen ions act as “free radical hunters,” helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease.

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